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Yogyakarta Special Region in Indonesia: A Hidden Gem of Asia

Yogyakarta, also known as Jogja, is a special region in Indonesia known for its rich culture, historical sites and breathtaking nature. From traditional arts and crafts to majestic temples, impressive volcanoes and picturesque beaches, Yogyakarta is a hidden gem of Asia that delights explorers. Here are the key takeaways from the article.

Key insights

  • Yogyakarta is rich in culture, including traditional arts, crafts, music, dance and culinary specialties.

  • The region is home to some of Indonesia's most impressive historical sites, including Borobudur Temple, the Prambanan Temple Complex and the Sultanate of Yogyakarta.

  • In addition to culture and history, Yogyakarta also offers breathtaking natural attractions including volcanoes, beaches and hidden waterfalls.

  • There are specific travel times, accommodations and transportation options that travelers should consider to make the most of their visit to Yogyakarta.

  • Despite its many attractions, Yogyakarta remains a less traveled destination, making it a hidden gem in Asia.

The unique culture of Yogyakarta

Traditional arts and crafts

Yogyakarta is known for its traditional arts and crafts . The city is a center for the production of batik, a traditional Indonesian textile printing process. Yogyakarta batik is particularly known for its fine patterns and bright colors.

Batik workshops are a popular activity for visitors. Here you can learn the art of batik printing and take home your own piece as a souvenir. There are many places in Yogyakarta where you can attend a batik workshop, including:

  • Batik plentong

  • Batik Seno

  • Batik Winotosastro

Tip: If you attend a tie-dye workshop, wear clothing that you don't mind getting paint splattered on. The tie-dye process can be messy!

In addition to batik, Yogyakarta is also known for its silversmithing. The town of Kota Gede is the center of this industry. Here you can watch the craftsmen at work and buy unique pieces of jewelry.

The role of music and dance

In Yogyakarta , music and dance play a central role in the culture and daily life of the people. They are not only forms of entertainment, but also important expressions of social and religious rituals.

Some of the traditional dances you can experience in Yogyakarta are:

  • Ramayana Ballet : A dramatic interpretation of the Ramayana epic performed at the Prambanan Temple complex.

  • Wayang Wong : A dance drama that tells stories from the Indian epics Mahabharata and Ramayana.

  • Bedhaya : A sacred court dance performed only on special occasions.

Tip: If you have the opportunity, be sure to attend a live performance of these dances. It is a unique experience that immerses you in the rich culture and history of Yogyakarta.

The music of Yogyakarta is equally diverse and fascinating. It ranges from traditional gamelan music, which consists of a range of percussive instruments, to modern pop and rock bands. Music is an integral part of the way of life in Yogyakarta, helping to bring the community together and strengthen its cultural identity.

Culinary specialties of Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta's culinary scene is a foodie's paradise. The city is known for its traditional dishes that are deeply rooted in the local culture.

Some of the popular dishes you should try include:

  • Gudeg : A traditional dish made from young jackfruit cooked in coconut milk and spices.

  • Krecek : A spicy beef stew often served as a side dish with gudeg.

  • Bakpia : Sweet dumplings filled with various ingredients such as chocolate, cheese or green beans.

Tip: Many of these dishes are quite spicy. If you're not a big fan of spicy food, ask to reduce the spiciness.

Yogyakarta is also famous for its coffee scene. There are numerous coffeehouses that use local beans and offer unique brewing methods. Be sure to try the Kopi Joss , a local coffee served with a piece of glowing charcoal.

Historical Sites in Yogyakarta

The majestic Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple is an impressive UNESCO World Heritage Site and the largest Buddhist monument in the world. Built in the 8th and 9th centuries, this temple is a masterpiece of Javanese Buddhist architecture .

The facility consists of six square platforms topped by three circular platforms. It is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues.

The main attractions of the temple are:

  • The impressive stone reliefs that tell stories from the Buddhist scriptures

  • The stupa at the top which houses a Buddha statue

  • The breathtaking sunrise that can be seen from the top of the temple

Tip: It is recommended to visit the temple early in the morning to avoid the crowds and witness the breathtaking sunrise.

Visitors can also visit the nearby museum, which offers a collection of artifacts and information about the temple's history.

The mystical Prambanan temple complex

The Prambanan Temple Complex is a must-see for every visitor to Yogyakarta. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia and one of the most beautiful in Southeast Asia. The temple complex consists of 240 temples that were built in the 9th century.

The main attractions of the complex are:

  • The Shiva Temple: The largest and most impressive temple in the complex, dedicated to Shiva the Destroyer.

  • The Vishnu Temple: A smaller temple dedicated to Vishnu, the preserver.

  • The Brahma Temple: A temple dedicated to Brahma, the creator.

Tip: It's best to plan your visit early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid the biggest crowds and have the best light for photos.

The temple complex is also known for its Ramayana ballet performances, which are a mesmerizing mix of dance, music and drama, telling the epic Hindu story of Rama and Sita. These performances usually take place after sunset and provide a magical setting with the illuminated temples in the background.

The Sultanate of Yogyakarta

The Sultanate of Yogyakarta is a living testament to Indonesia's history and culture. It is known for its magnificent architecture and deep connection to Javanese tradition.

Visitors can tour the Kraton, the royal palace, which is still the home of the Sultan. The palace is a labyrinth of gardens, pavilions and museums that house a wealth of art and history.

  • Attractions in the Sultanate of Yogyakarta:

  • Kraton (Royal Palace)

  • Taman Sari (Water Palace)

  • Alun-Alun Kidul (South Square)

Tip: Plan your visit to the Kraton so that you can experience one of the cultural performances that take place there regularly. From traditional dancing to gamelan music, there is always something to see.

The Sultanate of Yogyakarta is more than just a place; it is a living piece of history that continues to play an important role in Yogyakarta's culture and identity.

Natural beauties of Yogyakarta

The impressive volcanoes

Yogyakarta is home to some of Indonesia's most impressive volcanoes. The Merapi volcano is the most active and famous among them. It is known for its regular eruptions, which represent a fascinating, if dangerous, natural spectacle.

The volcanoes in Yogyakarta also offer a variety of activities for the adventurous. Here are some of them:

  • A hike to the summit of Merapi Volcano

  • A visit to the Volcano Museum to learn more about the history and geology of volcanoes

  • A ride through the volcanic landscape on an off-road jeep

Tip: Climbing the Merapi volcano is a demanding undertaking and should only be undertaken with an experienced guide. Make sure you are well prepared and have the necessary equipment with you.

In addition to Merapi, there are also other notable volcanoes in the region, such as Merbabu and Lawu. These also offer impressive landscapes and hiking opportunities. The volcanoes of Yogyakarta are without a doubt a must-see for every nature lover and adventurer.

The picturesque beaches

The beaches of Yogyakarta are a true paradise for nature lovers. With their fine white sand, clear blue water and lush green palm trees, they provide a breathtaking backdrop for a relaxing day by the sea. Some of the most famous beaches are Parangtritis , Indrayanti and Krakal .

  • Parangtritis is known for its impressive sand dunes and the mystical legends that surround it.

  • Indrayanti is famous for its dazzling white sandy beaches and crystal clear waters.

  • Krakal, with its golden sand and gentle waves, is a popular spot for surfers.

Tip: Don't forget to take your sunscreen with you when you visit these beautiful beaches. The sun in Yogyakarta can be quite strong, especially during the midday hours.

It is also important to note that Yogyakarta's beaches can often be rough and choppy during the rainy season from November to March. Therefore, the best time to visit the beach in Yogyakarta is during the dry season from April to October.

The hidden waterfalls

Yogyakarta is known not only for its rich culture and history, but also for its breathtaking natural beauties. One of these are the hidden waterfalls that are scattered throughout the region. These waterfalls are often off the beaten path and offer visitors a refreshing change from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Some of the most notable waterfalls are:

  • Sri Gethuk Waterfall : An impressive waterfall located amidst a lush forest.

  • Jogan Beach Waterfall: A unique waterfall that flows directly into the ocean.

  • Kedung Pedut Waterfall: A scenic waterfall with several natural pools ideal for swimming.

Tip: Remember to wear comfortable shoes and bring enough water as some of these waterfalls require a hike to reach.

It is important to note that many of these waterfalls may be closed during the rainy season due to the risk of flooding. It is therefore advisable to check the weather conditions and opening times before visiting.

Travel tips for Yogyakarta

Best time to travel and weather

The best time to visit Yogyakarta is usually during the dry season, which lasts from April to October. During this time the weather is pleasantly warm and there is less rain, making it easier to explore the city and its surroundings.

Temperatures in Yogyakarta are fairly consistent throughout the year, with average temperatures between 26 and 32 degrees Celsius. Here is a quick overview of the average weather in Yogyakarta:


Average temperature (°C)

Average rainfall (mm)





































Tip: Pack light, breathable clothing for the day and a light sweater for the cooler evenings. Don't forget to bring an umbrella or rain jacket, especially if you're traveling during the rainy season.

Accommodation and catering

Yogyakarta offers a wide range of accommodation ranging from luxurious 5-star hotels to budget backpacker hostels. It is advisable to choose accommodation close to the main attractions to minimize travel times. Some of the recommended areas are Prawirotaman , Malioboro and Kraton .

The food in Yogyakarta is just as varied. The city is known for its traditional Javanese dishes, which you should definitely try. Some of the local specialties are gudeg , krecek and ayam goreng .

  • Prawirotaman : Known for its art galleries and cafes.

  • Malioboro : The commercial heart of Yogyakarta, known for its lively nightlife.

  • Kraton : The historical center of the city, near the Sultan's Palace.

Tip: Book your accommodation in advance, especially during peak season, to ensure you get the best space for your needs.

Transport and mobility

In Yogyakarta, there are various transportation options available to visitors. The becak (traditional rickshaw) is a popular choice for short journeys within the city. They offer a unique experience and are a great way to explore the city at a leisurely pace.

Taxis and rental cars are available for longer distances. It is important to note that traffic in Yogyakarta can be heavy, especially during rush hours.

  • Bike rentals are another good option for exploring the city. There are many bike rental places in the city, and prices are usually very affordable.

  • Motorcycles can also be rented, but it is important that you have a valid driver's license and obey traffic rules.

Tip: It is advisable to always learn a little Indonesian to facilitate communication with the locals, especially if you take a becak or a taxi.

For those who wish to use public transport, there are buses and trains that run regularly. Here is a quick overview of the costs:

Mode of Transport

Average price (in IDR)


20,000 - 30,000


40,000 - 60,000

Bike rental

20,000 - 30,000 per day

Motorcycle rental

50,000 - 70,000 per day


3,500 - 5,000


10,000 - 20,000

Please note that prices may vary depending on the provider and route.

Discover the hidden treasures of Yogyakarta and Borobudur with our German-speaking tour guide Lomb. Our Yogyakarta travel tips include visiting the world-famous Borobudur and Prambanan temples, as well as a city tour of Yogyakarta where you can experience the art of batik, silver and shadow play. Don't miss the opportunity to experience an unforgettable day trip in Yogyakarta and Borobudur. Visit our website ' Yogyakarta Borobudur ' for more information and book your trip today!


The Yogyakarta Special Region is undoubtedly a hidden gem of Asia to be discovered. With its rich culture, breathtaking landscapes and hospitable people, Yogyakarta offers a unique experience that cannot be found anywhere else. Although it is not yet as well-known as other destinations in Indonesia, Yogyakarta definitely has the potential to shine on the world stage. It is a place that creates memories that last a lifetime.

frequently asked Questions

What are some traditional handicrafts in Yogyakarta?

Yogyakarta is known for its batik and silversmithing. You can also experience traditional puppet shows known as wayang kulit.

What role do music and dance play in Yogyakarta?

Music and dance play a central role in Yogyakarta's culture. The traditional music, known as gamelan, and classical dances, such as the Ramayana ballet, are a must for every visitor.

What are the culinary specialties of Yogyakarta?

Yogyakarta is known for dishes such as gudeg, a jackfruit dish, and bakpia, a sweet cake. Street vendors offer a variety of tasty and affordable options.

What are the historical sites to visit in Yogyakarta?

The main historical sites in Yogyakarta are Borobudur Temple, Prambanan Temple Complex and Sultanate of Yogyakarta.

What are the natural beauties of Yogyakarta?

Yogyakarta is known for its impressive volcanoes, picturesque beaches and hidden waterfalls.

What are some travel tips for Yogyakarta?

The best time to visit Yogyakarta is during the dry season from April to October. There are a variety of accommodation options, from budget hostels to luxury hotels. Public transportation is easily accessible, but for more convenience you can also rent a private vehicle.

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